Dartmouth API Developer Portal

Students API

Returns information like class_year and school_code about students at Dartmouth College


Attribute Value
Highly Available Yes
Cache Refresh Interval Every 5 minutes
Filtering Yes

Required Scopes

Scope Description
"urn:dartmouth:students:read.sensitive" This scope is required in order to view student information. Granting of this scope is via the Undergraduate Registrars Office
"urn:dartmouth:students:read.highlysensitive" This scope is required in order to view student gpa information. Granting of this scope is via the Undergraduate Registrars Office
"urn:dartmouth:people:private" This optional scope is required in order to view FERPA protected identities. Granting of this scope is via the Undergraduate Registrars Office


GET /api/students/{netid}

Required Headers

Authorization: Bearer {jwt}


Parameter Name Type Description Valid values Required


Notes on usage

The student load was carefully designed to show ALL students represented in Banner. At a basic technical level, if a person has a SGBSTDN record, then they are in the API. It is up to the consumer to find the students they are interested in, and the API payload contains lots of dimensional information to arrive at that.

Some examples: Who are active now? Who is coming next term? Who is trying to graduate in 21? Are these my MD/MBA students? Who is in residence (D plan)? All these can be answered by the Students API.

The scope associated with this resource allows the calling individual/application access to "confidential" students when requested. The calling individual/application must adhere to Dartmouth's policies on data privacy when using this data.

The student payload returns current information about the student, a complete status_history (Banner SGBSTDN records), complete academic history and current advisors.

See special note below for more information on handling future terms

Top level attributes indicate the current status of the student including their school and status. Note that school_code and school_id are the same value, the name school_code is deprecated in favor of school_id.

The academic_history collection contains the students complete academic history, including institutions other than Dartmouth College. Dartmouth programs are preceeded with a Dartmouth prefix in the institution.name attribute. Majors/minors are shown in the disciplines sub collection.

The other_attributes collection contains various student attributes including "TH-Dartmouth Research Student". NOTE Only Thayer attributes are currently listed. Other school attributes are in governance review.

Top Level Attributes

Handling current/future/past Terms

The top level attributes school_id, class_year, grad_term, student_type_id and student_status_id values are computed relative to the current term of each individual school. The currently active term is controlled by each indivdual school registrar relative to their check-in period. For students that only have a future status (such as incoming classes, exchange students and matriculating transfers) the future status is returned. In this situation the attribute is_future_status will be set to true and the term_code_eff will indicate the term when the status will take effect. This model ensures that all students, both current and future, have a record in the students API.

The top level attributes are accurate for many but not all use cases. Consider your use case carefully before deciding if these attributes are sufficient. Does your application need to consider a status for a student that is some time in the future (typically next term)? For any application that must consider attributes that active outside of the current term, they should use the status_history attribute.

An application making decisions on whether a student is active today should be checking the is_future_status flag. For example in a situation when a student only gets access to a resource like a lab or library material once a term starts (and not before) will want to add logic to check that access is not granted prematurely.

Applications making decisions about current or future terms will want to look at the status_history attribute and use term based logic appropriate for their use case. An example might be for an application allowing registration for classes in the next term or making Dplan selections for a future term.

Hint: use the /academic/terms API to find prior or future terms using the current_term_offset attribute

For a complete listing of every status the student has held, use the collection under status_history to examine the full history of the student (see example payload below).


Status Code Description
200 The URI parameter {netid} passed in is a valid student
404 The URI parameter {netid} passed in is NOT a valid student

Top Level Payload Attribute Descriptions

NOTE: All top level attributes are relative to the current term as described above.

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
netid string d33961y netid of the student
cache_date string 2016-01-01T05:00:00Z the last update of the cache for this record in iso8601 format
term_code_eff string 201906 the term code used to compute the top level status attribute, for future students this will be a future term code
is_future_status boolean false true if the current top level attributes are based on a future term, false otherwise
school_id string UG the school id of the student. School IDs can be looked up at /api/schools
school_code string UG the school of the student which can be values UG, TH, TU, DM (deprecated in favor of school_id)
class_year string 19 the class year of the student
student_type_id string C the id of the code that identifies the type of student, type ids can be looked up at /api/school_types
admission_type_id string UT the code that identifies the admission type for this student; type ids can be looked up at /api/admission_types
current_admit_term_code string 201906 the term code of the student's most recent Dartmouth admission
grad_term string 201906 the expected or actual realized graduation term of the student
student_status_id string AS the status of the student, status ids can be looked up at /api/student_statuses
academic_history array the full academic history of the student including current degree sought
advisors array the list of academic advisors for the student
other_attributes array the list of any special attribute tags applied to the student by the individual school registrars
status_history array the list of all status changes for the student
dplans array the list of all dplans for the student starting from the last term forward
gpa_history array the full gpa history for the student including cumulative GPA
is_fysep_partcipant boolean false true if the student participated in the First Year Student Enrichement program (FYSEP), false otherwise
is_firstgen_student boolean false true if the student's parents did not attend college, false otherwise
varsity_sports array [{"id": "D1"}] array of varsity sport IDs that the student partcipates in
class object {"code": "JR", "name": "Junior (UG)"} class as of current term (i.e. term_set_mv.current_term)

Academic History Attribute Descriptions

The academic history is an array of objects that describe the full history of the student including prior institutions or current degrees sought

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
institution object
start_date string 2015-05-01T04:00:00Z ISO8601 date string
completion_date string 2015-05-01T04:00:00Z ISO8601 date string
admit_term_code string 201403 Term student was admitted; Dartmouth only
degree object
source object Original data source

Academic History Institution

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
name string
type string High School
category string Public

Academic History Degree

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
level string
disciplines array
Academic History Degree Disciplines
Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
name string
type string
status string


Advisors is an array of objects that describe the advisor netid and advising type

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
netid string d33961y netid of the advisor
term_code_effective string 201609 effective term of the advisors appointment
is_primary boolean true indicates if this is the primary advisor of the student
type string Undergraduate Class Dean description of the type of advisor

Other Attributes

Other attributes is an array of objects of special attributes or tags that can be applied to any student by the school registrars. Currently only Thayer attributes are reflected in the API. Other school attributes are in governance review.

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
term_code_effective string 201609 effective term of the attributes application to the student
code string EABE short code of the attribute
description string Thayer AB/BE Students full description of the attribute

Status History

Status History is an array of objects of detail all status changes of the student by term code.

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
term_code_eff string 201906 the effective term code of the status change
school_id string UG the school id of the student. School IDs can be looked up at /api/schools
class_year string 19 the class year of the student
student_type_id string C the id of the code that identifies the type of student, type ids can be looked up at /api/school_types
grad_term string 201906 the expected or actual realized graduation term of the student
student_status_id string AS the status of the student, status ids can be looked up at /api/student_statuses


Dplans is an array of objects giving the last, current and future Dplans of the student.

NOTE: historical Dplans are not represented
Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
term_code string 201906 the term code of the dplan
dplan_id string R the dplan id
dplan_description string Resident the description of the dplan
dplan_source_id string MHB the source id of the dplan
dplan_source_description string Registrar Action the description of the source
student_status_id string AS the status of the student, status ids can be looked up at /api/student_statuses

GPA History

Cumulative GPA for UG Student select shrlgpa_pidm, shrlgpa_levl_code, shrlgpa_gpa_type_ind, round(shrlgpa_gpa, 2) from shrlgpa where shrlgpa_pidm= df_a_pidm(netid) and shrlgpa_levl_code='UG';

Term GPA for UG Student for a specific term select shrtgpa_pidm, shrtgpa_term_code, shrtgpa_levl_code, shrtgpa_gpa_type_ind, round(shrtgpa_gpa, 2) from shrtgpa where shrtgpa_pidm=df_a_pidm(netid) and shrtgpa_levl_code= 'UG' and shrtgpa_term_code = '201903';

Cumulative GPA

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
school_id string UG the school id of the student. School IDs can be looked up at /api/schools
gpa_type_ind string I the type of this GPA (I/T/etc)
gpa_value string 3.14 the cumulative GPA for this student

Term based GPA

Field Type Sample Data Description Known Issues
sis_term_code string 201906 the term code of the GPA
school_id string UG the school id of the student. School IDs can be looked up at /api/schools
gpa_type_ind string I the type of this GPA (I/T/etc)
gpa_value string 3.14 the term-based GPA for this student

Sample Request


Sample Return for a current undergradute with no prior institutions

    "academic_history": [
            "admit_term_code": null,
            "completion_date": "2017-05-25T04:00:00Z",
            "degree": null,
            "institution": {
                "category": "Independent Religous",
                "name": "Our Lady Of Good Counsel Hs",
                "type": "High School"
            "source": {
                "code": "UHT1",
                "name": "High School Transcript 1"
            "start_date": null
            "admit_term_code": "201503",
            "completion_date": null,
            "degree": {
                "disciplines": [
                        "concentrations": [],
                        "id": "PSYC",
                        "name": "Psychology",
                        "type": "MAJOR"
                        "id": "EDUC",
                        "name": "Education",
                        "type": "MINOR"
                        "id": "THEA",
                        "name": "Theater",
                        "type": "MINOR"
                "level": "Bachelor of Arts",
                "status": "Sought"
            "institution": {
                "category": null,
                "name": "Dartmouth - Undergraduate - Class of 2019",
                "type": "College"
            "source": null,
            "start_date": null
    "admission_type_id": "ST",
    "advisors": [
            "is_primary": false,
            "netid": "d29054k",
            "term_code_effective": "201609",
            "type": "Undergraduate Class Dean"
            "is_primary": true,
            "netid": "d13279t",
            "term_code_effective": "201609",
            "type": "Faculty Advisor (first year)"
    "class": {
        "code": "JR",
        "name": "Junior (UG)"
    "class_year": "19",
    "current_admit_term_code": "201503",
    "curriculum": [
            "college_id": "19",
            "degree_id": "AB",
            "program": null,
            "school_id": "UG",
            "term_code": "201806",
            "term_code_end": null
    "dplans": [
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Registrar Action",
            "dplan_source_id": "PHL",
            "term_code": "201909"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Registrar Action",
            "dplan_source_id": "PHL",
            "term_code": "202001"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Registrar Action",
            "dplan_source_id": "PHL",
            "term_code": "202003"
    "gpa_history": {
        "cumulative_gpa": [
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": "3.14",
                "school_id": "UG"
                "gpa_type_ind": "O",
                "gpa_value": "3.14",
                "school_id": "UG"
                "gpa_type_ind": "T",
                "gpa_value": "0",
                "school_id": "UG"
        "term_gpa": [
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": "3.33",
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "202003"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": "3.53",
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "202001"
                "gpa_type_ind": "T",
                "gpa_value": "2.42",
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "202001"
    "grad_term": "202103",
    "is_firstgen_student": false,
    "is_future_status": false,
    "is_fysep_participant": false,
    "netid": "f00xxxx",
    "other_attributes": [
            "code": "EABE",
            "description": "Thayer AB/BE Students",
            "term_code_effective": "201903"
    "school_code": "UG",
    "school_id": "UG",
    "status_history": [
            "class_code": "FR",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "N",
            "term_code_eff": "201509"
            "class_code": "JR",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201706"
            "class_code": "JR",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201709"
            "class_code": "JR",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201806"
            "class_code": "SO",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201606"
            "class_code": "SO",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201701"
            "class_code": "SO",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "AS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201703"
            "class_code": "SR",
            "class_year": "19",
            "grad_term": "201903",
            "school_id": "UG",
            "student_status_id": "GS",
            "student_type_id": "C",
            "term_code_eff": "201906"
    "student_status_id": "AS",
    "student_type_id": "C",
    "term_code_eff": "201909",
    "varsity_sports": []

Sample Return for a current Thayer school student with Dartmouth undergrad degree

    "academic_history": [
            "admit_term_code": null,
            "completion_date": "2013-06-01T04:00:00Z",
            "degree": null,
            "institution": {
                "category": "Public",
                "name": "Hillside High School",
                "type": "High School"
            "source": {
                "code": "UHT3",
                "name": "High School Final Report"
            "start_date": null
            "admit_term_code": "201206",
            "completion_date": "2017-12-19T05:00:00Z",
            "degree": {
                "disciplines": [
                        "concentrations": [
                                "id": "EGMT",
                                "name": "Engg. Management"
                        "id": "ENGS",
                        "name": "Engineering Sciences",
                        "type": "MAJOR"
                "level": "Bachelor of Arts",
                "status": "Awarded"
            "institution": {
                "category": null,
                "name": "Dartmouth - Undergraduate - Class of 2017",
                "type": "College"
            "source": null,
            "start_date": null
            "admit_term_code": "201306",
            "completion_date": "2018-06-10T04:00:00Z",
            "degree": {
                "disciplines": [
                        "concentrations": [
                                "id": "EGMT",
                                "name": "Engg. Management"
                        "id": "ENGG",
                        "name": "Engineering",
                        "type": "MAJOR"
                        "id": "EGMT",
                        "name": "Engg. Management",
                        "type": "MINOR"
                "level": "Bachelor of Engg.",
                "status": "Awarded"
            "institution": {
                "category": null,
                "name": "Dartmouth - Thayer School of Engineering",
                "type": "College"
            "source": null,
            "start_date": null
            "admit_term_code": "201406",
            "completion_date": "2019-06-09T04:00:00Z",
            "degree": {
                "disciplines": [
                        "concentrations": [
                                "id": "EGMT",
                                "name": "Engg. Management"
                        "id": "ENGG",
                        "name": "Engineering",
                        "type": "MAJOR"
                        "id": "EGMT",
                        "name": "Engg. Management",
                        "type": "MINOR"
                "level": "Master of Engg. Mgmt.",
                "status": "Sought"
            "institution": {
                "category": null,
                "name": "Dartmouth - Thayer School of Engineering",
                "type": "College"
            "source": null,
            "start_date": null
    "admission_type_id": "EN",
    "advisors": [
            "is_primary": false,
            "netid": "d1176s2",
            "term_code_effective": "201709",
            "type": "Faculty Advisor (first year)"
            "is_primary": false,
            "netid": "d24063p",
            "term_code_effective": "201709",
            "type": "Thayer Assistant Dean"
            "is_primary": false,
            "netid": "d26009r",
            "term_code_effective": "201709",
            "type": "Undergraduate Class Dean"
            "is_primary": true,
            "netid": "d80325s",
            "term_code_effective": "201709",
            "type": "Thayer Advisor"
    "class": null,
    "class_year": "TH",
    "current_admit_term_code": "201709",
    "curriculum": [
            "college_id": "TH",
            "degree_id": "BE",
            "program": "THENGBE",
            "school_id": "TH",
            "term_code": "201709",
            "term_code_end": null
    "dplans": [
            "dplan_description": "Leave",
            "dplan_id": "L",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201406"
            "dplan_description": "Leave",
            "dplan_id": "L",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201606"
            "dplan_description": "Leave",
            "dplan_id": "L",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Student Self-Service",
            "dplan_source_id": "OWEB",
            "term_code": "201601"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201409"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201501"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201503"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201506"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201603"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201609"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201701"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Assignment Process",
            "dplan_source_id": "UWEB",
            "term_code": "201703"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "DPlan Student Self-Service",
            "dplan_source_id": "OWEB",
            "term_code": "201509"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Original Entry",
            "dplan_source_id": "OE",
            "term_code": "201309"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Original Entry",
            "dplan_source_id": "OE",
            "term_code": "201401"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Original Entry",
            "dplan_source_id": "OE",
            "term_code": "201403"
            "dplan_description": "Thayer-Registered",
            "dplan_id": "E R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Original Entry",
            "dplan_source_id": "OE",
            "term_code": "201709"
            "dplan_description": "Thayer-Registered",
            "dplan_id": "E R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Original Entry",
            "dplan_source_id": "OE",
            "term_code": "201801"
            "dplan_description": "Thayer-Registered",
            "dplan_id": "E R",
            "dplan_source_description": "Original Entry",
            "dplan_source_id": "OE",
            "term_code": "201803"
    "gpa_history": {
        "cumulative_gpa": [
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "PE"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.65,
                "school_id": "UG"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 3.25,
                "school_id": "TH"
                "gpa_type_ind": "O",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "PE"
                "gpa_type_ind": "O",
                "gpa_value": 2.65,
                "school_id": "UG"
                "gpa_type_ind": "O",
                "gpa_value": 3.25,
                "school_id": "TH"
                "gpa_type_ind": "T",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "UG"
        "term_gpa": [
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "PE",
                "sis_term_code": "201309"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "PE",
                "sis_term_code": "201401"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "PE",
                "sis_term_code": "201409"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 0,
                "school_id": "PE",
                "sis_term_code": "201501"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 1.67,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201403"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 1.78,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201609"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201401"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.56,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201603"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.67,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201503"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.67,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201506"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.67,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201509"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.78,
                "school_id": "UG",
                "sis_term_code": "201409"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
                "gpa_value": 2.89,
                "school_id": "TH",
                "sis_term_code": "201801"
                "gpa_type_ind": "I",
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                "sis_term_code": "201309"
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    "grad_term": "202103",
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    "other_attributes": [],
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    "student_status_id": "AS",
    "student_type_id": "C",
    "term_code_eff": "202201",
    "varsity_sports": []

Sample Return for a future Thayer school student with undergrad degree

    "academic_history": [
            "admit_term_code": null,
            "completion_date": "2015-06-01T04:00:00Z",
            "degree": null,
            "institution": {
                "category": "Public",
                "name": "Hellgate High School",
                "type": "High School"
            "source": {
                "code": "UHT1",
                "name": "High School Transcript 1"
            "start_date": null
            "admit_term_code": null,
            "completion_date": null,
            "degree": {
                "disciplines": [],
                "level": null,
                "status": null
            "institution": {
                "category": null,
                "name": "Middlebury College",
                "type": "College"
            "source": {
                "code": "CTR4",
                "name": "College Transcript 4*"
            "start_date": null
    "admission_type_id": "EN",
    "advisors": [],
    "class": {
        "code": "FR",
        "name": "First-Year (UG)"
    "class_year": "20",
    "current_admit_term_code": "201909",
    "curriculum": [
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            "degree_id": "000000",
            "program": null,
            "school_id": "UG",
            "term_code": "201909",
            "term_code_end": null
    "dplans": [
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            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "OCP Accepted",
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            "term_code": "201909"
            "dplan_description": "Resident",
            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "OCP Accepted",
            "dplan_source_id": "OCP",
            "term_code": "202001"
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            "dplan_id": "R",
            "dplan_source_description": "OCP Accepted",
            "dplan_source_id": "OCP",
            "term_code": "202003"
    "gpa_history": {
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        "term_gpa": [
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    "grad_term": "202003",
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    "is_fysep_participant": false,
    "netid": "f00xxxx",
    "other_attributes": [
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            "description": "Engineering Dual Degree",
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    "varsity_sports": []