Dartmouth API Developer Portal

Tasks - Public API

Time-consuming operations (e.g. PATCH /people) are queued and return immediately with a 202 status code and a path to the /tasks API in the Location header including the ID of the queued task (e.g. Location=/api/tasks/5c4f0775a165328794acd48a) . Client applications can use the GET /tasks/{id} API to monitor operation status.

Each resource that supports time-consuming operations has a task queue and an associated worker that monitors the queue. The worker uses the GET /tasks/{id} API to get the data required to complete the task and then uses the PATCH /tasks/{id} API to update task status.

This architecture is illustrated below:

  1. iPaaS Client requests PATCH /people

    • Key Owner: App service account (e.g. chosen name)
    • Scope: people:write.sensitive
    • Blueprint creates task document in Mongo
    • Blueprint sends task.id to rabbitMQ
    • Blueprint returns 202 with task.id in Location header when any non-native attrs are created/updated
    • Blueprint returns 200 with object in payload when only native attrs are created/updated
  2. iPaaS Client requests GET /tasks/{task.id}

    • Key Owner: App service account (e.g. chosen name)
    • Scope: (none, uses "self" attribute release)
    • Blueprint returns 200 with current status of job and resource URL (i.e. path)
  3. People worker gets message (task.id) from rabbitmq

    • rabbitmq account: specific per resource (e.g. people will have its own credentials)
  4. People worker requests GET /tasks/{task.id}

    • Key Owner: People worker service account
    • Scope: tasks:people:write
    • Blueprint returns 200 with all task details (status, payload, resource ID, etc.)
  5. People worker updates source systems (e.g. Banner)

  6. People worker updates cache

  7. People worker requests PATCH /tasks

    • Key Owner: People worker service account
    • Scope: tasks:people:write
    • Payload includes path (URL) and status=completed
    • Blueprint returns 200 with all task details (status, payload, resource ID, etc.)
  8. People worker requests POST /resource_changes

    • Key Owner: People worker service account (CURRENTLY USING API_KEY_PRIV)
    • Scope: resource_changes:write
    • Blueprint returns 200 with empty payload (i.e., {})
  9. People worker deletes message from rabbitmq

    • rabbitmq account: specific per resource (e.g. people will have its own credentials)

Tasks API Requests

For all endpoints, an HTTP status code of 200 indicates success, a 404 code indicates that the task was not found, and a 500 code indicates a bad request. Payload returned with a 500 response contains a descriptive message as to why the request was considered bad.

Client Requesting Task Status

Request Description
GET /api/tasks/{id} get status of specified task

Required Headers - Client

`Authorization: Bearer {jwt}`

Required Scope - Client

No scope is required for this API endpoint. A client only has access to tasks created on its behalf.

Returns - Client

Task status:

    "status": "complete",
    "completed_date": "2019-01-08T16:20:45Z",
    "path": "/api/people/d35022g"
Attribute Type Description Valid values
status string task status 'accepted', 'complete', or failure message
completed_date string task completion date null or completion date
path string path to completed resource null or resource API path (e.g. /api/people/d35022g)

Worker Requesting Task Status

Request Description
GET /api/tasks/{id} get all details of specified task including PUT/POST/PATCH payload

Required Headers - Worker

`Authorization: Bearer {jwt}`

Required Scope - Worker

Scope Description
"urn:dartmouth:tasks:{resource}:write" (e.g. "urn:dartmouth:tasks:people:write") this scope is required in order to view all task details for a particular resource type

Returns - Worker

All task attributes:

    "resource": "sample.cars",
    "action": "POST",
    "resource_id": "5c486b86b031b60c4c47180f",
    "payload": {
        "make": "Yugo",
        "model": "Junk"
    "requester": {
        "sub": "f003ghc",
        "aud": "https://localhost",
        "scope": "urn:dartmouth:tasks:sample.cars:write urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:private urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:read urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:read.sensitive urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:write",
        "iss": "https://localhost:8382/api/jwt",
        "name": "Integration Test User",
        "exp": 1533955407,
        "iat": 1533933807,
        "email": "Integration.Test.User@Dartmouth.edu"
    "status": "accepted",
    "request_date": "2019-01-23T13:26:30Z",
    "completed_date": null,
    "path": null,
    "worker_data": null,
    "id": "5c486b86b031b60c4c471810"
Attribute Type Description Valid values
resource string resource name 'people', etc.
action string http verb that initiated task PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
resource_id string resource id netid for people (e.g. 'd35022g')
requester string jwt details of task requester requester.sub is netid associated with jwt
payload string json data associated with task valid json including attributes supported by resource/scope/action
id string task id database id (e.g. '5c486b86b031b60c4c471810')
status string task status 'accepted', 'complete', or failure message
completed_date string task completion date null or completion date
path string path to completed resource null or resource API path (e.g. /api/people/d35022g)

Worker Updating Task Status

Request Description
PATCH /api/tasks/{id} update task status

Required Headers - Worker Updating Task Status

`Authorization: Bearer {jwt}`

Required Scope - Worker Updating Task Status

Scope Description
"urn:dartmouth:tasks:{resource}:write" (e.g. "urn:dartmouth:tasks:people:write") this scope is required in order to update task status for a particular resource type

Required Body - Worker Updating Task Status

The request body must contain a valid JSON object containing one or more of the the following attributes: status, completed_date, or path:

    "status": "complete",
    "completed_date": "2019-01-08T16:20:45Z",
    "path": "/api/people/d35022g"
Attribute Type Description Valid values Required
status string task status usually either 'accepted' or 'complete' no
completed_date string task completion date null or completion date no
path string path to completed resource null or resource API path (e.g. /api/people/d35022g) no

Returns - Worker Updating Task Status

The updated task is returned:

    "resource": "sample.cars",
    "action": "POST",
    "resource_id": "5c486852b031b60c4c47180d",
    "payload": {
        "make": "Yugo",
        "model": "Junk"
    "requester": {
        "sub": "f003ghc",
        "aud": "https://localhost",
        "scope": "urn:dartmouth:tasks:sample.cars:write urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:private urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:read urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:read.sensitive urn:dartmouth:sample.cars:write",
        "iss": "https://localhost:8382/api/jwt",
        "name": "Integration Test User",
        "exp": 1533955407,
        "iat": 1533933807,
        "email": "Integration.Test.User@Dartmouth.edu"
    "status": "complete",
    "request_date": "2019-01-23T13:12:50Z",
    "completed_date": "2019-01-08T16:20:45Z",
    "path": "/api/sample/cars/5c486852b031b60c4c47180d",
    "worker_data": null,
    "id": "5c486853b031b60c4c47180e"
Attribute Type Description Valid values
resource string resource name 'people', etc.
action string http verb that initiated task PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
resource_id string resource id netid for people (e.g. 'd35022g')
requester string jwt details of task requester requester.sub is netid associated with jwt
payload string json data associated with task valid json including attributes supported by resource/scope/action
id string task id database id (e.g. '5c486b86b031b60c4c471810')
status string task status 'accepted', 'complete', or failure message
completed_date string task completion date null or completion date (e.g. '2019-01-08T16:20:45Z')
path string path to completed resource null or resource API path (e.g. /api/people/d35022g)